Multisource ENRICH

Valuable additional criteria for greater accuracy

Get to know your customers better

Multisource ENRICH increases the accuracy of your marketing activities. Enhancing your address list with valuable additional criteria using socio-demographics and psychography increases its added value. Choose from up to 200 different characteristics, such as purchasing power class, educational background, age structure, marital status, household size and much more. Get to know your customers better while taking advantage of maximum sales potential at the same time.

How it works

DATA Manager is at the heart of address enhancement. You can group your existing address list according to your own requirements once it has been updated. You can also upload and segment new address lists. The existing address list is automatically reconciled once a month against the ‘chPrivat’ personal database run by KünzlerBachmann. When you upload a customer account that is still unknown to Multisource, the address is matched only once. Once the order has been distributed, you will receive automatic notification of processing by email. This is then followed by attribute enhancement: The groups formed are listed directly in the ENRICH Shop. You can select any group and enhance it with a variety of features. The system displays the number of existing attributes and the prices per group created. With just a single click, you can add these criteria to your shopping cart or personal shopping list.

Benefits to you

Enhancing addresses with additional information brings you four key benefits:

  • You can use the knowledge gained to address your customers in a more personal way.
  • You can identify new customer groups using previously unknown information.
  • You can supplement your database and use it for future customer analyses.
  • You can increase efficiency in implementing marketing measures.

You also have the option of requesting free advice on the selected criteria in your shopping cart. 

Tip: Increase your chances of success by first analysing your data with Multisource ANALYTICS. It’s worth it.

Private consultation

Enrich your contacts with valuable additional criteria and increase the accuracy of your marketing campaigns. Arrange a consultation. Our customer advisors can be reached at 0800 88 99 77. Or send us an email to

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