With CNIP (Calling Name Identification Presentation), not only the number but also the name and place of residence of the caller can be displayed when an incoming call is received. In addition, annoying advertising calls are identified or blocked. Telephony providers thus offer their customers the transparency to decide which call they want to accept and make an active contribution to the legally required curbing of unwanted advertising calls. CNIP is suitable for landline and mobile telephony.
The display is activated while a call is being connected. The CNIP service from directoriesDATA is based on up-to-date and publicly available directory data. For technical implementation, we provide a simple online version (XML access and real-time queries) and an offline version (SFTP interface). You can find further details in the
fact sheet.
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Swisscom Directories AG
Förrlibuckstrasse 62
8005 Zürich